ongoing direct
satellite school support
customized curriculum development
Annually – as new research-based interventions become available – purchase, implement and train staff
Purchase online licensing agreements for math, reading fluency, phonics and reading comprehension
Annually replace consumable products in phonics and reading
Provide updated consumable and non-consumable social skills materials
Provide/administer annual pre-and post-consumable assessments
Purchase printed leveled literacy books, as needed
Oversee implementation of Opportunity Schools Program
Consult on General Education Curriculum Adoption, as requested
Opportunity Schools Professional Development
Summer Teacher Training Institute
80-hour Training for Opportunity Teachers
Summertime Back-to-School Staff Development
Year-Round Professional Development, customized to each school site as requested by site administrators
Facilitate Training Follow-up
Customized Onsite Consulting and Support
Opportunity Schools Program Administration
Staff, Parent and Board Communication
Opportunity Teacher and General Education Classroom Support
Supervise Outside Agencies Providing One-on-One Support to Opportunity School Students
Serve as Liaison to Public Schools
Observe Prospective Students in Current Academic Settings
Assist in the Development of 504/Accommodation Plans
Program Budget and Revenue Stream Development
Administer and or Assist With:
Student Referral and Application Process
Student Assessments and Evaluations
Application and Enrollment Process
Tuition and Fee Policies and Procedures
Program Scheduling
Grading Policies and Procedures
Accreditation Process
Attend Job and Recruitment Fairs, as requested
student and family services
Perform Interpretation of Individual Educational Plans (IEPs)
Attend IEP Meetings at Public Schools
Assist Families in Obtaining Free Psychoeducational Assessments
Facilitate Teacher/Parent Conferences and Team Meetings
Coordinate and Attend Monthly Meetings with Outside Agencies with Staff or Personnel Onsite
Assist families in identifying appropriate placement for students with
challenges beyond the scope of Opportunity Schools